2016 Election

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Name Baloogan Oridides Spawk
Donald Trump, Eccentric Billionaire
Michele Bachmann, Sky Admiral
Marsha Blackburn, Representative from Tennessee
Scott Brown, Truck Enthusiast
Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida
Herman Cain, Pokemaster
Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey
Mitch Daniels, Governor of Indiana
Jim DeMint, Senator from South Carolina
Luis Fortuno, Governor of Puerto Rico
Newt Gingrich, Spaceman
Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina
Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas
Jon Huntsman, Ambassador to China
Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana
Sarah Palin, Television Personality
Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky
Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota
Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana
Rick Perry, Governor of Texas
Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State
Marco Rubio, Senator from Florida
Paul Ryan, P90X Spokesman
Rick Santorum, Senator from Pennsylvania
Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin
Allen West, U.S. Army Lt. Col, House of Representatives


Name Baloogan Oridides Spawk
Joe Biden, Vice President
Corey Booker, Mayor of Newark
Chelsea Clinton, Constitutionally Eligible
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State
Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York
Howard Dean, Governor of Not New Hampshire
Rahm Emmanuel, Lich
Russ Feingold, Senator from Wisconsin
Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator from New York
Martin O'Malley, Governor of Maryland
Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts
Bernie Sanders, Socialist
Brian Schweitzer, Governor of Montana
Mark Warner, Senator from Virginia
Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts