Decoy (Vehicle)
From Baloogan Campaign Wiki
A category of weapon type in the Command model.
A Decoy is not, strictly speaking, a weapon. A decoy is a countermeasure which is employed to confuse or seduce a tracking system. A decoy vehicle is an autonomous vehicle (unlike a towed decoy), and has a longer persistence (unlike an expendable flare). Examples of decoy vehicles are the Quail, TALD, and MALD.
Command distinguishes the sensor information types into:
Bomb Bottom Mine Buddy Store Cargo Decoy (Expendable) Decoy (Towed) Decoy (Vehicle) Depth Charge Dispenser Drifting Mine Drop Tank Dummy Mine Ferry Tank Floating Mine Guided Weapon Gun Helicopter-Towed Package Laser Moored Mine Moving Mine Paratroops Rising Mine Rocket RV / MRV/ MIRV Sensor Pod Sonobuoy Torpedo Training Round Troops