Geoscape2008:BLUFOR Green Bamboo
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This is the BLUFOR MOTD Archives, listing past MOTDs. It is recommended at officers are familiar with at least some of this content.
Distribution Statement B - RESTRICTED - Distribution is authorised to Department of Defense (DOD) components only. Other requests for this document shall be referred to your Officer Commanding.
MOTDs taken from The Art of War
- "War is a matter of vital importance to the state; the province of life or death; the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
- "Therefore, appraise it in terms of the five fundamental factors and make comparison of the seven elements later named. So you may assess its essentials."
- "The first of these factors is moral influence; the second, weather; the third, terrain; the fourth, command; and the fifth, doctrine."
- "By moral influence I mean that which causes the people to be in harmony with their leaders, so that they will accompany them in life and unto death without fear of mortal peril."
- "By weather I mean the interaction of natural forces, the effects of winter's cold and summer's heat and the conduct of military operations in accordance with the seasons."