AT-3 Sagger C [9M14P Malyutka]

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#1000184 - AT-3 Sagger C [9M14P Malyutka] -- 1977, Air Launched

Description:Weapon 1000184

Edit description

General Data

Type: Guided Weapon Generation: None
Length: 0.86 m
Span: 0.39 m
Diameter: 0.125 m
Weight: 11 kg
Burnout Weight:
Cruise Altitude: 457.2 m
Waypoint Number:
CEP: 10 %
Air PK:
Surface PK: 75 %
Subsurface PK:
ClimbRate: 50 m/s
Air Min Range: Air Max Range:
Surface Min Range: 0.2 nm Surface Max Range: 1.5 nm
Subsurface Min Range: Subsurface Max Range:
LaunchSpeedMin: LaunchSpeedMax:
LaunchAltitudeMin: 18.2 m LaunchAltitudeMax: 4572 m
TargetSpeedMin: TargetSpeedMax:
TargetAltitudeMin: TargetAltitudeMax:
CanActAsSensor: False
MaxFlightTime: DetonationDelay:
AllocationAircraftTargets: DataInvoker Error: getData error: No such key in handle (AllocationAircraftTargets) AllocationHelicopterTargets: DataInvoker Error: getData error: No such key in handle (AllocationHelicopterTargets)
AllocationGuidedWeaponTargets: DataInvoker Error: getData error: No such key in handle (AllocationGuidedWeaponTargets) AllocationUnknownAirTargets: DataInvoker Error: getData error: No such key in handle (AllocationUnknownAirTargets)
AllocationUnknownShipTargets: DataInvoker Error: getData error: No such key in handle (AllocationUnknownShipTargets) AllocationUnknownFacilityTargets: DataInvoker Error: getData error: No such key in handle (AllocationUnknownFacilityTargets)
TorpedoSpeedCruise: TorpedoSpeedFull:
TorpedoRangeCruise: TorpedoRangeFull:


Name ID Number Damage Points Type Explosives Type
AT-3 HEAT 1000820 1 1 High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) Shaped Charge HEAT Shaped Charge, Heavy Armor (141-200mm)


Terrain Following

Level Cruise Flight


Name Type Role Max Range (nm) Arc


Signature Type Front Side Rear
nm for Visual/Pac dBsm for Radar db for Sonar
Passive Sonar, VLF (0-1000 Hz, 200 Hz Center Frequency) 0 0 0

Passive Sonar, LF (1-5 KHz, 3 KHz Center Frequency) 0 0 0

Passive Sonar, MF (5-10 KHz, 7.5 KHz Center Frequency) 0 0 0

Passive Sonar, HF (10-500 KHz, 20 KHz Center Frequency) 0 0 0

Active Sonar, VLF-HF (0-500 KHz) 0 0 0

Visual Detection Range 0.56 1.52 0.56

Visual Classification Range 0 0 0

Infrared Detection Range 0.21 1.86 5.97

Infrared Classification Range 0 0 0

Radar, A-D Band (30-2000 MHz) -27.7 -24.1 -27.7

Radar, E-M Band (2-100 GHz) -27.7 -24.1 -27.7


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Name Type Range (nm) Channels
AT-2/3/6/12/16 Missile Datalink AT-2/3/6/12/16 Weapon Link 10 1


Engines Type Loiter Speed (kts) Cruise Speed (kts) Military Speed (kts) Afterburner Speed (kts)
Rocket Booster Rocket 300


Fuel Type Quantity (kg)
Rocket Fuel 23


  • Database information: CWDB CWDB_445.db3 & DB3000 DB3K_446beta1.db3 by Ragnar Emsoy and Warfare Sims (Permission has been granted for this Baloogan Database Viewer to use DB3000) (The "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported" licence DOES NOT APPLY to database information, content, descriptions and images over which I make no claims of ownership! It does, however, apply to the code which displays the database information)
  • Images: stormridersp, fab94, renders, alkiap, sstrong, RoyHarper, Runibl, bradinggs, Steven Lohr, Jeff Leslie, Meroka37, conforoa, OldPascas, SilentHunter, snowburn, incredibletwo, Henry Morgan, fool12342000, Papa_Hausser, baskreuger
  • Descriptions: CV60, apd1004, El Savior, Steven Lohr, Jeff Leslie
  • Database viewer: Baloogan